It has become very disturbing as the players union continue to receive complains from players on matters that bothers mostly on contract duration amongst others. It is very unprofessional that we still operate a league system where more than eighty percent of Professional Footballers engaged with clubs in the Leagues across board don’t have copies of their contract of employment. In other words majority of the players don’t know the number of years in their contracts, until when it is time to make transfer moves during the transfer widows


Unfortunately our investigation and enquires also revealed that a workable and hitch free process is yet to be put in place to guarantee that players gets copies of their contracts after signing


For example players will tell you they have signed one or two years contract while clubs will tell you that the same Player signed three or five years contract. More disturbing is the fact that when you now get copies of the contract from the league bodies, and you find a lot of discrepancies, then the players will tell you they only sign their signatures without the number of years inserted as agreed. Professionally why it may be true that the players should take responsibility for the consequences of their failure to use qualified Professionals to handle their contracts signing and other related matters, the clubs must also take responsibility for not giving players copies of their contract because in the eyes of the law, when there is an argument “assertor debet probare” meaning ” he who who asserts must prove” The clubs must take responsibility in ensuring players get copies of their contracts after signing. This is so because the contract of employment is between the employer ( Clubs,) and employee ( player) . It is the fundamental rights of the employee to have a copy of his or her contract after signing


While the union advice players not to sign on blank contract forms and insist on having copies of their contracts after signing, or where possible engage a professional or better still contact the union for assistance, the clubs should know that it is primarily their duty to ensure that players gets copies of their contracts after signing because ” he who asserts must prove”


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