Sports is indeed a Viable tool for Crime Prevention,Peace, Unity–(Anthropolico-Metaphysical Reality) and Socio-Economic Venture .Sports helps to instill in the mind and body of its Participants,that required progressive consciousness dwelling on Excellence,Respect and Friendship in line with the Olympic Education Values cutting across Sportsmanship,Fair Play as well as Promotion of Rule of Law ,as all Sporting Events are played under Rules and Regulations (Juridico-Political)..
The Anthropolico-Metaphysical dimension of sports revolves around the spirit of all in one , Physical and Mental Wellbeing,Unity as well as effective socialization while the Juridico-Political Dimension of Sports explains the reality of Sports as instrument for propagation of Rule of law,fair Play,Peace, Spirit of Sportsmanship just as Socio-Economic Dimension of Sports touches the aspect of self discovery/Self reliant,Means of empowerment and employment as well as positive engagements for societal growth and a Functional Community.
The Use of the Instrumentality of Community/Rural Sports by the Police Campaign Against Cultism and Other Vices (POCACOV) in its Ongoing Nationwide Campaign Against Membership into Unlawful Societies and Organized Criminal Groups (OCGS) as well as young minds possible entrants into the world of Substance and Drug and Abuse as a means to attain a means of Positive Coping ,has been well applauded various by stakeholders and multi Agencies, as a step from right direction and going by the core values of sports such as Discipline,means of enhancing Education ,Instrument for driving National Ideology,Self Discovery ,Social Justice,promotion of ideals of democracy ,gender equality and empowerment of women amongst others ,which participants are passing through in course of the community sports engagement .
The Police Campaign Against Cultism and Other Vices(POCACOV) has undertaken the use of the instrumentality of such community sporting events like Taekwondo,Table Tennis,Boxing,Community/Minifootball ,Basketball,Handball ,Chess amongst others to engage various stakeholders of young minds extraction and exposing them into critical/Strategic Thinking,Building Confidence and Strenghtening their Resilience and which also help in cutting cutting conveyor belts and supply chains of their possible recruitment into membership of unlawful societies,other vices as well as Organized Criminal Groups (OCGS) for Serious and organized Crime (SOC) in line with the principle of PREVENT Serious organized Crime of the Community policing Framework Undertaken by the Nigeria Police Force Under IGP Usman Alkali Baba in which stakeholders and multi Agencies are well mobilized for partnership as well as enhancement of their Participation towards joint problem identification and joint problem solving for a safe,peaceful and secured Communities.
The Choice for the use of the instrumentality of Community/Rural Sports cannot be overemphasized as it has given impetus and credence to Developmental Prevention of crime in which the community sports as an intervention is used to prevent the development of criminal potential in individuals especially young minds and that of situational prevention/Approach in which community/Rural Sports is also used as intervention to prevent occurrence of crimes especially by reducing opportunities as well as Community approaches in which community/Rural Sports as an intervention ,is used to change the social conditions that influences offending/Crime Perpetration in Communities and these amongst others , are Crime Prevention approaches and away from core law enforcement approaches.
The POCACOV Community/Rural Sports is used as Crime Prevention approach and under Activity Base approach of community oriented policing (C.O.P) to increase Safety and security Consciousness,Mobilize Support fo