Home Sports Competence should be the Political Movement of Now

Competence should be the Political Movement of Now

Ikenga Johjuld Okere MVP Sponsor

Our loyalty in all we do should be to humanity; be it in our work place, family, community, club, religion and politics because the ideals of humanity never go wrong. Humanity does not share in status discrimination neither does it know tribe or race; it does not identify gender rather it functions under the principles of love, equity and justice. A loyalty to humanity is the gate way to human capacity development and economic growth with the unspoken road map to infrastructural, social and urban development. This is because those who abide by their loyalty to humanity do everything within their powers to see that the right things are done at all times. They ensure the stoppage of every form of economic sabotage, padding of budget, capital flight, abuse of official power, proliferation of adulterated drugs, food and drinks. They are ambassadors of equity and justice for all with a decreased sharpness in vision unable to identify status, gender, tribe or race. They stand against inequitable treatment, maltreatment of people under their care or the under privileged thereby representing universal balance for continuous victory for humanity against mediocrity, tribalism, racism, fraud, economic sabotage, exploitation of the masses welfare and status discrimination.

The confronting reality that requires sincere and objective evaluation from all of us is to identify the number of beneficiaries within a government from a political party in government against their gross total population in the state, local government or country. You will agree with me that when there is a failed leadership in a government as in cases of incompetency, misdirected focus, greed, embezzlement; the totality of the masses suffer. The reality of the situation and the suffering that tags along with it does not discriminate non party members from party members. It is only the unseen cabal who had put money together for the high purchase acquisition of the government through buying of votes and other financial inducement across party line will be the ones smiling to the bank with their heist. Other party members will have nothing else to show for it but the bragging right as members of the party in government but suffer from the difficulty born out of lack of basic amenities, insecurity, poor health care, substandard education and market inflations. They wallow more in regrets for being instrumental to installing the instruments of their long suffering.

Competence should be the new political movement of now because just like humanity; it would not discriminate non party members from party members. If the economy is grown to a robust capacity it would favour the young, old, male, female, clergy, non clergy, sick, healthy, party members and non party members. Just like having loyalty for humanity so it should be when it comes to political leadership to develop loyalty for competence not in political party membership. Competence is a growth leveler; it prevails on equity, fairness and justice with decreased sharpness in vision not to identify status, gender, tribe or race. It will provide the enablers for an improved healthcare, standard education system, security of lives and properties with the provision of other basic amenities. Competence is the gear for an accelerated economic and developmental growth for our today and the future.

Our eagle eye for men and women of competent disposition should take focus and rid us of any emotional stimulation from the distracting drama of money bags; those that have stolen from our collective purse and those that have aided them who happen to also be beneficiaries of the callous theft. Let our political paradigm shift come with the selflessness of our collective endorsement and full support for one who is competent without baggage.

May a legitimate opportunity for your celebration be made manifest through grace.

Ya diri anyi mma!!! (It shall be well with us)

Ikenga Jonjude Okere


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