Going by the present day situation of things in respect of the spate of children/Youth involvement in Cultism,Ritual Killing ,Substance and Drug Abuse,Internet Fraud A.K.A Yahoo Yahoo,Violence and other vices in our society,one might be compelled to ask the following Question such as ,from where did the Society get it wrong?What could be responsible  and Factors behind this sudden upsurge of vices amongst our young minds?etc hence  the advocacy by POCACOV for  a National Security Policy that will be targetted at stabilizing the family unit  such as expanding Scholarship Programs,Free Educations initiatives,Free health care Services,Grass Root Talent Support program as well as  other social Welfare Schemes aimed at alleviating poverty and enable parents focus  on their role as the main guardian/custodian of child socialization education /development for a greater society.

Interestingly,One thing that we should not forget in a hurry or ignore is the role and importance of Family as the basic and essential building blocks of societies and then the need for good parenting.Families have crucial role in Social Development of a child as well as inculcation of values that will help the Moral upbringing of the child.The Family is the Foundation on which Values are built such as moral values for Peace,truthfulness,justice as well as ideals ,actions and standards that govern children existence in life.This is important because the family role to childs development and socialization cannot be overemphasized hence it shapes the childs attitude towards people and society.The Family also help in mental growth in child and supports his ambitions and values.
Indeed,the role of family in the Societal Rebirth and growth and for a safe,peaceful and harmonious environment are enormous and pertinent.The family teaches its children how to conform to social standards and moral values and principles that shapes child growth and development giving to the fact that the family is the immediate environment of any child  while parents act as authority figures,Role models involved in teaching limits and appriopriate behaviour.
Today, many young minds are involved in Cult related incidences,Violent behaviour,Substance and Drug Abuse/Peddling,Trafficking in person and smuggling of migrants,Voodoo/Ritual Killings for economic gains,Armed Robbery, Child Stealing,Kidnapping for Ransom ,Internet Fraud activities(YAHOO YAHOO) other corrupt tendencies and
manipulations,Vandalization,Prostitution amongst other vices.These ,amongst others that our young minds have seen and taken as a means of getting rich quick and be a person of influence in the society.
Undoubtedly,these vices amongst  others are continually posing as threat to security ,safety,peace and harmonious existence in our communities.Many of the young minds who would have become future champions and leaders of the society have had their lives and existence cut short  while Some are serving jail terms and others left with permanent disabilities occassioned by attack from amongst groups and rival groups.
True to Fact, the involvement of young minds in all this should have been prevented and mitigated if we had considered parenting as a serious business as well as National Security policy targetted at stabilizing the family unit to make parents ,guardians and caregivers rise up to the occassion of their responsibility as main guardian of socialization Education.Some parents are not always there to play the full parenting role and function as both are out early in the morning to come back lately in search of proverbial greener pastures then leaving the child to the care of maiden and nanny who may not know what value and socialization is all about.Parents as the head of family unit should understand the important role of parenting in terms of moral upbringing of children.They should provide leadership direction which they said child cannot depart from.It is scriptural that parents ,guardians and caregivers should teach a child a right way to go ,so that when they grow,they will never depart from it. Now to parents:What program do parents have for their children?What is it that you are not doing right in the sight of your children as parents?Do you engage your children in discussions to find out their worries and misgivings?Do you listen to them or the usual Top -Bottom approach of communication?Do you cover up their misdeeds?Do you let them know that there are rules,guidelines,principles of going about things?Do you as parents speak the truth.Parents are Role model and leaders  and as such ,children look up to them as guide?Are you that parents that practices violence,corrupt practices and other related vices and also believes in impunity?Parents should therefore note that failure in proper moulding of  their child  ,will bring about loss of value system and morals  which will eventually serve as catalyst to crime  infestation and perpetration in the society.
POCACOV in My Family is one of the numerous activities of the Police Campaign Against Cultism and Other Vices(POCACOV) the NPF Community Policing initiative and Public Relations Tool working with different stakeholders ,galvanizing their support and partnership,enhancing participation towards problem solving,for a safe,peaceful and secured society.POCACOV in My family is re-inventing the role of the family in the moral upbringing of
children,galvanizing support and participation for inculcation of measures that
will promote discipline and conforming to values and morals.POCACOV is already implementing planned program of action through the modules developed and   targetted at the environment and helping to weaken young minds involvement in crime and disorder especially cultism and other vices and cutting the conveyor belts and supply chains efficiently and effectively.POCACOV has graciously inducted the presidential Spokesperson,Femi Adesina as a stakeholder in the POCACOV In my Family activity as well as Dr Mrs Esther Oluwatoyin Aluko and Engr Chief Theophilus Ezeonodo amongst others.
This is all about Reorientation activity for Societal Rebirth through Non Kinetic with Multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach and requires that all hands must be on deck  to raise the awareness on better parenting supported by a policy that will aid in stabilizing the family in the moral upbringing of children for a greater society.The efforts of the media ,faith based organizations ,Traditional Rulers
,Parents Teachers Association ,Civil Liberty Organizations  will be required to
help deepen the message of every child is your child and should not be allowed
to go astray.The Acitivity base program of the use of Sports as a veritable tool for engagement and divert attention of young minds from criminal involvement and social vices ,should be encouraged and sustained.The need to Re-invent the Youth Sports Federation of Nigeria (YSFON) and invigorate it cannot be overemphasized as it will not only help in bringing sports development for children and youths participation  for greater society,It will also suport the Nigeria Police Force in its sports development initiatives which is also serving as  National Security measures.The media should move away from the crusading  /opinion
vehicling function and to concentrate on Media Action of enhancing participation through various educational program that is  aimed at reorienting  Parents ,caregivers,Guardians and other relevant stakeholders on the importance of family and parenting as a serious business and  in problem Solving.

CSP Ebere Amaraizu the writer ,is the National Coordinator,Police Campaign Against Cultism and Other Vices (POCACOV).


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